DECEMBER 12, 2022


Attendees: Karen Grant, Jim Glynn, Shirley Hosner, Tony Mahoney, Tom Becker, Ken Dobosz and Vinny McCrave.


Absent: None


The meeting was called or order at 7:15pm by Karen Grant, Board President.


Secretary’s Report: Tony Mahoney said he will not read the minutes but they are available on-line or at both clubhouses to read. Karen Grant made a motion to accept the minutes as submitted. Tom Becker seconded the motion and all were in favor. Minutes were accepted as submitted. Approved.


Treasurer’s Report: Shirley Hosner reported the following Financial Statements –


HOA:               Bank Balance 10/31/2022                  $172,675.99

Deposits November                                12,252.03

Invoices Paid November                         93,917.44

Bank Balance 11/30/2022                  $  90,995.05




                        Money Market                                    $244,625.96                                                                             CD’s                                                       151,159.01

Bank Balance 11/30/2022                  $395,784.97


Tony Mahoney made a motion to accept the financial statements as submitted, Jim Glynn seconded and all were in favor. Accepted.




                        Bank Balance 10/31/2022                  $  46,827.43

Deposits November                                  7,215.88

Invoices Paid November                           6,002.91

Bank Balance 11/30/2022                  $  48,040.40


Shirley reminded those committee chairperson’s that the money has to be spent by end of year, we can only have $15,000 in account. So please meet with her to let her know what you will be spending.


Past dues – 9 cases are with lawyer, $12,264.36 outstanding. 5 residents that are 6 months behind and 16 residents owe for last quarter. She reminded those present to keep dues paid, if not paid you cannot use any amenities of the park.


Also, please fill out and keep the “Vial of Life” up to date in case of emergency. Also make sure your emergency form is up to date as well. If you are doing anything to the outside of your house, you need to fill out a ARC form which is found in the Boulevard Clubhouse, to be approved/disapproved. If there is a spill in the Challenger Clubhouse, the mop and pail is located in the room by the gym, the key is in the kitchen.


Events – Coffee and Chat, Tuesday’s; Lunch/Hot Dogs, Tuesday’s; Bingo, Tuesday’s; Pasta Luncheon (12/14); Welcome Committee Meeting (12/15); Horse Shoe Tournament (12/16) – needs help with clean up, collect money; Memorial Services 11am (12/18) – light lunch; Christmas Caroling 6pm (12/18); Christmas Eve Services 6pm (12/24); Free Show 6pm (12/30), sign up in pro shop.


Jerry Braden said that the Winter Games sign-up sheets are in the pro shop, costs $15.00 per person, includes luncheon. If you want to do the luncheon only, cost is $10.00. Dates for games start on January 30, 2023 and the luncheon is on March 4, 2023. Anyone can sign up. Last day to sign up is January 24, 2023.


Golf Committee Report:  Ken Dobosz reported the golf financial statement –


                        Bank Balance 10/31/2022                  $10,259.95

                        Deposits November                              16,850.80

                        Invoices Paid November                       14,765.15

                        Bank Balance 11/30/2022                  $12,345.60


Karen Grant made a motion to accept the golf financial statement as submitted, Tony Mahoney seconded the motion and all were in favor. Passed.


Ken thanked Ron Baker for his service. His last day is 12/14. Emma Vallaire (for her husband – Jim) asked about the area by the port-a-potty when it will be cleaned up? Ken said that area is buildings and grounds responsibility. We cannot put cement there as that area is open also for public utilities.


Buildings and Grounds Report: Tom Becker reported on the following: Pools – there is nothing new to bring forward. We are still waiting for quotes for umbrellas. Pool Committee is looking for someone new to chair that committee. Past and present board has done a lot of work for the pools. A lot of work has been done this past year, needs a lot more.


Ian and Nicole did damage to the roof at the Boulevard Clubhouse. Right now there are a lot of patches on it. We were going to wait a few years, but a few years is now. Imperial Roofing will be doing the roof and rain gutters. Tom made a motion to accept Imperial Roofing’s quote as submitted by the building and grounds committee. Shirley seconded the motion. All in favor:  Vinny McCrave, Tony Mahoney, Karen Grant and Tom Becker. Those opposed:  Jim Glynn, Shirley Hosner and Ken Dobosz. After a discussion for a resident, Ken Dobosz suggested tabling the vote until January to residents can attend the January’s Building & Grounds committee meeting so it can be discussed and brought back to the board for voting. It will take two to three months before project will be started/completed. Tom Becker again made a motion to go ahead with Imperial Roofing. Tony seconded the motion. All in favor: Tom Becker, Karen Grant, Shirley Hosner and Vinny McCrave. Those opposed: Tony Mahoney, Jim Glynn and Ken Dobosz.

Motion passed.


Tom brought a engineer in to look at the storm management system. When this park was created, every yard was to have a swale, each homeowner is responsible for them. County gave over to our park so we have to maintain. We have only received one quote so we will hold off until next meeting to vote. HOA owes some, homeowners will have some. Mike Mackey reminded those present that it has to come before the committee before the board votes on any quotes.


Through the covenants, ponds should have been maintained – we failed inspection. Approved at last meeting to get 3 quotes. Karen Grant said that things have been neglected the last thirty- eight years. Things have been brought up, we need to move forward. When we receive the 3 quotes, it will go before the committee, if approved, then it will go before the board. Discussion closed.


ARC Report: Jim Glynn reported on the following: there’s painting and repairs going on, no problems. All outside improvements have to fill out the form. The forms are in the Boulevard Clubhouse, in a folder outside of the office. The form is approved/disapproved and a copy is then put in the folder with resident’s address.


Rules & Regulations Report: Tony Mahoney thanked those who are part of the committee and mentioned that no one person does everything. HUD houses make it hard to do the up-keep on the properties. Have to use HOA money to cut lawns, etc. Very happy with the way things are going. Still have a few eyesores, will be fixing them up. Pat Hess asked Tony about hoarders, is there any way to put a lien, some cases are not allowed. We have used a HOA worker to help with the maintenance of properties. Jeff Polston asked about using volunteers to help mow, etc. Karen Grant said she has asked for volunteers in the past, no one ever showed up. If you are able to volunteer, please leave your name in the office with what you can/cannot do to help out on the “Angel’s List”.


CERTSReport: Vinny McCrave reported that they are re-organizing CERTS. Fair statement to a extent. Sally Franklin has some volunteers going to CERTS. They are filling out applications on-line. Sally did it 4 times and it would not go through. CERTS lady is very rude, she is washing her hands for now, no cooperation. Karen Grant will call the CERTS lady after the holidays to see if we can get assistance with filling out forms. Sally says she has 7 people interested, but 3 are having hard time doing on-line application also.


VETS Report: Vinny McCrave reported there is a potential problem with tree hanging over memorial. Branch needs to be cut off, he was also told that the tree needs to come down. This needs to go through building and grounds. Mike Mackey said that he has talked with Dick Hamilton about this. Bo’s has come in and looked at it and will get price on trimming. Sam Harris said he has already received quote $1,600 from Bo’s, won’t be able to trim until February or March. This has to first go through the Vets Committee then Building and Grounds Committed before it comes to the Board.


CAP Report: Karen Grant reported that they have been trying to get someone from the sheriff’s department to come to board meeting to report on all that is happening in the surrounding neighborhoods. They are short staffed, won’t be able to come in January. Hopefully February or March. Marcia Rockinson is working on scheduling a self-defense class and how to handle yourself. Just a reminder, please do not leave anything in car, lock doors on cars, sheds, etc.

Bimini Bay is now called Island Reports.


Old Business: None


New Business: Ken Dobosz made a motion to get a controller (Rick – golf course) $500, spare cart batteries $880, and a battery charger for pro shop, $300, for a total of $1,680.00. Tony seconded the motion and 6 were in favor with one abstention, Shirley Hosner.


Carol Robert asked when the new rules and regulations, covenants and by-laws will be available, Karen Grant said February 2023. A special meeting will be help with a power point presentation.


Ken also said anyone who would like to volunteer on the golf course, be there 10am on Wednesday, 12/14. Also reminded those present that the HOA raffle tickets are still for sale.


President’s Report: Karen Grant reported that the PA system looked at this week. All board members received the information, will vote on in January. A new PA system is very much needed. It is used for a lot of events.


Espoppel fees are being raised to $250.00, currently $100.00, in the new year. Karen made a motion to raise the fee, Tony Mahoney seconded and all were in favor.


The business expo has 100 bags donated by Polo Park Strong. Currently we have 12 businesses signed up. The event is held at the Challenger Clubhouse. Lunch is also served. If you know of anyone who would be interested contact Karen or Marcia Rockinson. Charge is $150.00 per table.


Tony Mahoney made a motion to accept the budget for 2023, Tom Becker seconded and all were in favor. Passed.


Connie Tambling asked that everyone check the directory from 2022 to see if any changes need to be made to your information. If anything is not correct, please go to the office and fill out a form asap.


Cookie social is in January, come out to meet the new residents.


Karen Grant made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:35pm, Tom Becker seconded the motion and all were in favor. Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,



Robin Husted, Recording Secretary